
A Damsel in distress waiting for her knight with the shining armor – a Gothic novel is more than this especially when it has deep reflections of human wonderment and fear . It’s one of the most sought after genre by the readers , contrary to our fear from darkness. Here is the list of top five most intriguing Gothic novels. No matter how many times we read them, they continue to haunt us with their strong passion and horrific settings.



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 ”it is melancholy to go alone at this hour” – EMILY ST AUBERT

written by Ann Radcliffe , the cocktail of romance , horror , and mystery together will not bore you. The strange noises of the castle of Udolpho and the supernatural vibes in the setting of novel makes it a tempting option for Halloween nights.



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”Catherine Earnshaw , may you not rest as long as i am living. You said I killed you– haunt me then. The murdered do haunt their murderers. I believe– I know the ghosts have wandered earth. Be with me always– take any form– drive me mad. Only do not leave me in this abyss, where i cannot find you!  Oh, God!  it is unutterable!  I cannot live without my life!  i cannot live without my soul! ” – HEATHCLIFF

So Tom Hardy  and Charlotte Riley impressed us as Heathcliff and Catherine respectively  – but why the novel has been declared as unfilmable for the big screen? for the answer  you need to read the most violent love story of the Victorian era . The novel revolves around the lovelorn Heathcliffe and his tempestuous love for Catherine with a stark critique on the class based society. The beauty and power of nature has been portrayed phenomenally . The most terrifying and intense novel ever written, words will never be enough to describe this novel.

p.s – the dark Yorkshire moors will find their way to scare you in gloomy nights.

3. JANE EYRE (1847)  –

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“The soul , fortunately , has an interpreter – often an unconscious but still a faithful interpreter – in the eye.” – JANE EYRE

The formidable love triangle of Edward Rochester , Jane Eyre , and Bertha Mason is infused with a good dose of Gothic elements along with love and class conflicts. It inspired the feminist concept of the madwoman in the attic developed by Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar in the 1980s .




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” wildly my mind beats against you, but my soul obeys. ” – CHARLES HART

Written by GASTON LEROUX , the novel combines romance, horror, mystery, tragedy, comedy, and adventure all together. The protagonist, Erik’s distorted character and horrific love will keep you affix till the end.



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You will always be fond of me, I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.” – LORD HENRY

The dark desires and forbidden pleasures have tempted Dorian too much that it takes turn to horrific events that will shook you from head to toe. The novel is a fantastic example of late Victorian Gothic fiction and a must read for mystery lovers.


There are other novels that I haven’t included in the top five but they undeniably continue to haunt us since centuries – FRANKENSTEIN by Mary Shelley , REBECCA by Daphne Du Maurrier , THE ITALIAN by Ann Radcliffe , THE MONK – A ROMANCE by Mathew Gregory Lewis , and THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE by Shirley Jackson .


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